Report an Issue

Our Report an Issue form will enable residents to submit email messages to members of the City of Wellsville. You can report things like properties not properly being maintained, street lights out, event questions and much more. Such submissions could include notification of the existence of weeds or obnoxious vegetation, trash and debris on the premises, the existence of one or more inoperable vehicles or the maintaining of a structure in a dilapidated condition, all which creates blighting influence on the neighborhood.

All submissions received by our department will be held in strict confidentiality.

Submitting Person’s Information
(This information will be used to update the individual reporting the nuisance of the pending action. It is not necessary to complete this information for the department to investigate the nuisance.)
We will not be able to notify you of the progress of your issue if you do not leave your name or telephone or email. All issues will be reviewed with or without any contact information.

Fill out my online form.